Name: Andrew Nunez
Hometown: Healdsburg
SAE: Beef Production, Swine Production, Agriscience
Education/Career Goals:
Attend: Stanford
Major: Business and Accounting
Career Goal: Take over A&N Accounting
FFA Accomplishments: Recieved his Greenhand Degree, Champion Angus Heifer at the California State Fair, Being an FFA Officer
FFA Goals: Recieve his State Degree and continue to grow in FFA as a leader and as a showman
Movie: All Old Western Movies
Sports/Hobbies: Hunting, Fishing, Wrestling, Riding 4-wheelers, Showing Livestock, and Working
Song: The Only Way I Know by Jason Aldean
Food: Any Type of Wild Game
Book: Field and Stream Magazine
Color: Red
Biggest Influence: Close Family and Friends
Life Phiolosophy: "Practice like you've never won. Perform like you've never lost."